
Retinal Hole

What is a Retinal Hole?

A retinal hole is a small, round break in the retina that can occur in the peripheral (side) or central area of the retina. 

Retinal holes are often caused by the natural ageing process or by certain eye conditions. In some cases, retinal holes can lead to retinal detachment, a serious condition that requires prompt treatment to prevent permanent vision loss.


Symptoms of Retinal Hole

In many cases, retinal holes do not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, some people may experience:

  • Floaters: Small specks, dots, or cobweb-like shapes that appear to float in your field of vision
  • Flashes of light: Brief flashes or streaks of light in your peripheral vision, particularly when moving your eyes or head

If you experience any sudden changes in your vision, including an increase in floaters or flashes of light, it’s crucial to schedule an appointment with the knowledgeable team at The Sight Centre.


What are the Causes of Retinal Holes?

Age-related changes are a common cause of retinal holes. As we age, the vitreous, which is the gel-like substance that fills the eye, can shrink and pull away from the retina, causing a retinal hole.

Eye trauma or injuries can also lead to retinal holes or tears. Lattice degeneration, a condition that causes the retina to become thin and atrophic, can make the retina more susceptible to holes or tears.

People with severe nearsightedness, known as high myopia, are at an increased risk of developing retinal holes due to the elongated shape of their eyes. In some cases, a retinal hole may develop as a result of a retinal detachment.


Treatment Options

At The Sight Centre, we offer various treatment options for retinal holes, tailored to the specific characteristics and location of the hole, as well as the patient’s individual needs.

YAG Vitreolysis

A non-invasive procedure using a YAG laser to reduce the appearance of floaters and improve vision.


Retinal Hole

If you are experiencing symptoms of a retinal hole or have concerns about your eye health, contact The Sight Centre today to schedule a comprehensive eye examination.